Columns and Capitals Come Together with Grand Results
July 24, 2015
The pilaster packages all of the column’s immense presence into a small fraction of the space, making it an efficient as well as effective element in its surroundings. Better still, pilasters and capitals are a combination that possesses much the same

Pilasters and capitals are a combination that possesses much the same potential as columns and capitals. Source: Houzz
potential as columns and capitals, which should come as welcome news to those intent on realizing the best results possible. Much like crown mouldings, capitals serve a practical purpose by making it clear where the pilasters end and where the rest of their surroundings begin. However, their presence also serve to highlight the pilasters, thus calling attention to the ornamentation that has been lavished upon them. Something that can keep said efforts from going to waste in brighter and more colorful surroundings. Of course, capitals possess a lot of charm on their own, which can combine with pilasters to create an infinite number of possibilities. For example, classic capitals matched with classic pilasters are common sights but still capable of exuding timeless elegance. In contrast, more unusual combinations can create unorthodox but nonetheless beautiful visual better-suited to some of the non-traditional surroundings that can be found out there. To learn more, please contact us about our pilasters and capitals.